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EnglishEditionEnglishEditionहिन्दी| 12 May, 2022, 03:07 PM IST |Print EditionSubscribeSign InGet Benefits Worth Rs. 3700ET Prime Summer SALEUpgrade at 50% discountSearch+HomeETPrimeMarketsNewsIndustryRISEPoliticsWealthMutual FundsTechJobsOpinionNRIPanacheET NOWMoreBusiness News›onion exportSEARCHEDFOR:ONION EXPORTMaharashtra launches it's own Agriculture Export Policy; seeksconsistency in centre's export policy to promote state's agriexportsThe Government of India had unveiled itsAgriculture Export Policy in December 2018, directing the stategovernments to draft their own policy. Accordingly, the stategovernment had constituted a committee in May 2019 to draft thepolicy.25 Feb, 2022, 11.35 PM ISTBlack market for fertilizers is booming in India as pricessoarWith a key planting season underway for India’smillions households that depend on agriculture for a living,farmers say they don’t have much of a choice.29 Nov, 2021, 10.01 AM ISTZeroing-in on doubling output, exports of ODOP items in 5yearsOf UP's ₹1.21 lakh crore exports in FY21, almost80% or ₹96,000 crore were of ODOP products. As per officials, thetarget is to clock almost ₹1.92 lakh crore exports by 2025-26, inline with the state's target of becoming a $1 trillion economy inthe next five years.28 Oct, 2021, 02.52 PM ISTOnion prices not 'extraordinarily high'; no case for banningexports: Food Secretary Sudhanshu PandeyThe Centre government is offering buffer onion atRs 26/kg to Mother Dairy's Safal outlets in Delhi. So far thegovernment has supplied 400 tonnes to Safal.22 Oct, 2021, 07.04 PM ISTOnion prices expected to stay firm till DiwaliTraders омг said the weather will remain the keyfactor that will influence onion prices till December, when thearrival of the new crop normally is at its peak.19 Oct, 2021, 08.24 AM ISTIndia’s agri exports are rising. But its export basket leavesone hungry for moreThe country has to bring in structural changes toimprove the situation in agriculture. High-yielding varieties andsuperior post-harvest management can make the country a food bowlof the world.28 Sep, 2021, 08.51 AM ISTAllNewsVideosOnion prices likely to remain at higher trajectory this festiveseason: CrisilMaharashtra, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh aremajor Kharif onion-producing states, contributing over 75 per centof total Kharif production. Fluctuating monsoon is expected to posechallenges in transplanting the crop in Maharashtra, which accountsfor 35 per cent of the total Kharif onion produced in the country,according to the report.09 Sep, 2021, 10.29 PM ISTTaliban stop exports, imports from India​​"We keep a close watch on developments inAfghanistan.​​​Imports from there come through the transit route ofPakistan. As of now, the Taliban has stopped the movement of cargoto Pakistan, so virtually imports have stopped," FIEO DG toldANI.19 Aug, 2021, 09.53 AM ISTIndia exports 87,000 tons of onion in Jan-Feb after banliftedThe price of onion has been on a declining trendfrom November 2020 and by December, prices in the mandis werereported to be significantly low.09 Mar, 2021, 03.54 PM ISTOnion prices shoot up 28 percent after government announceseasing on export banThe government had banned exports in Septemberthis year as prices were rising after a low harvest. Major buyersof Indian onions include Indonesia, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Nepal andMiddle East.30 Dec, 2020, 07.15 AM ISTGovernment lifts export ban on onionIn September, the government had prohibited theexports due to spurt in prices.28 Dec, 2020, 09.07 PM ISTFarmers, traders seek lifting of onion export ban as pricesfall 65% in 5 weeksArrival of red onion from the kharif harvest isgradually increasing in the market, while arrival of old onions isrobust. Fearing further fall in prices, farmers are rushing theirstocks to the markets.08 Dec, 2020, 11.19 AM ISTIndia bans onion seed exports with immediate effectThe govt on Thursday banned exports of onion seedswith immediate effect. Earlier, the export of onion seeds was inthe restricted category, which means an exporter was required toobtain a licence or permission from the government forshipments.29 Oct, 2020, 09.28 PM ISTPassenger aircraft morph into cargo carriers: How innovativethinking helped exports bounce backAs soon as the lockdown started, the trucks andcontainer vehicles were stuck on highways at inter-state junctions.Also, there was an acute labour shortage in ports to unload theshipping containers without which new loading could not be carriedout.25 Oct, 2020, 08.45 AM ISTOnion prices double in 10 days to hit Rs 80/kg inwholesaleTraders in the domestic market said prices willremain firm but they can rise if rain damages more crops. However,importers said prices will calm in some time because of steps takenby the government.22 Oct, 2020, 09.21 PM ISTGovernment allows exports of Bangalore rose onions,Krishnapuram onionsAn exporter of Bangalore rose onion will have toget a certificate from the Horticulture Commissioner, Government ofKarnataka, certifying the item and the quantity. An exporter ofKrishnapuram onions will have to obtain the certificate from thegovernment of Andhra Pradesh.09 Oct, 2020, 03.24 PM ISTFIEO urges commerce ministry to exclude 'Bangalore rose' onionfrom export ban listOn September 14, the government banned the exportof all varieties of onions with immediate effect, a move aimed atincreasing availability and checking price of the commodity in thedomestic market.25 Sep, 2020, 05.22 PM ISTOnion prices move north despite export banAverage wholesale onion prices at the benchmarkPimpalgaon market in Nashik district increased from 27/kg onSeptember 14 to 36/kg on September 22. Prices are comparativelylower in North India, with wholesale prices ranging between 12/kgand 35/kg on Tuesday. In retail, good quality onions are selling at40-60/kg.24 Sep, 2020, 11.17 AM ISTIndia mulls on supplying onions to its neighbours following thedecision to ban onion exportsIndia and Bangladesh are due to review the entiregamut of ties at a meeting between their foreign ministers laterthis month, from connectivity initiatives to security partnershipto joint celebrations of Mujibur Rehman’s birth centenary andenergy pipeline to defence partnership.20 Sep, 2020, 11.54 PM ISTOnions lying on ports to be exported to countries includingBangladeshThe central government on Monday banned the exportof all varieties of onions except those cut, sliced or broken inpowder form, with immediate effect, in an apparent move aimed atincreasing domestic supply and reducing the prices.19 Sep, 2020, 09.03 AM ISTMaharashtra government to write to Centre for onion export banroll-backAccording to the statement, the CM said hisgovernment will write to the Centre seeking a roll-back of the banwhich will affect a large number of onion growers in Maharashtra, akey producer of the commodity.16 Sep, 2020, 09.35 PM ISTA 37 percent increase in all-India retail price of onions leadsto export banWith an increase in onion prices in the country,the central government has banned its export, which is expected tobring the prices of the staple down, reports IANS. Onion exportsfrom the country had increased considerably during the coronaviruspandemic, due to which domestic prices increased and supplydecreased within the country.16 Sep, 2020, 10.36 AM ISTMove to ban onion exports draws flakPawar pointed out that the majority of the farmerspractise dry land farming, meaning they can cultivate the crop onlyonce during the monsoon. “These farmers have very small landholdings and the ban has impacted them the most.”16 Sep, 2020, 08.52 AM ISTTraders claim higher prices of onion could be a result ofmanipulationRetail onion prices have risen to Rs 50 per kg atsome places in the country while wholesale prices have doubled inthe benchmark Lasalgaon market in Maharashtra to Rs 30 per kg.Traders from northern India have already started placing importorders for onion from Afghanistan.15 Sep, 2020, 06.40 PM ISTIndia bans export of all varieties of onion“Rates have increased and there is shortage ofonion in the domestic market. While this shortage is seasonal, ahuge amount of exports were done in the last few months during theCovid-19 pandemic,” said an official aware of thedevelopment.15 Sep, 2020, 09.40 AM ISTGovt bans export of all varieties of onion with immediateeffect15 Sep, 2020, 08.34 AM ISTGovt should remove technical difficulties in existing exportpromotion schemes: Exporters of agricultural commodities“The HACCP code for export of shrimp has beenchanged in November. It has not yet been updated by the concernedgovernment department that decides about incentives,” headded.27 May, 2020, 05.28 PM ISTFruit, veggie exports fall 70% during lockdownThe average export was 4 lakh tonne a month in theprevious year and now only 30% of that is happening said an APEDAofficial.22 May, 2020, 10.20 AM ISTIndia to resume onion exports from March 15The government had last week decided to lift thenearly six-month-old ban on export of onions as prices are likelyto fall sharply due to bumper rabi crop. The government had lastyear amended the export policy of onion from ‘free’ to‘prohibited’. To meet domestic demand, India began importing onionsfrom Turkey, Afghanistan and Egypt.02 Mar, 2020, 08.53 PM ISTLoadMoreTop Trending TermsInternational Nurses Day 2022MamataBanerjee News LiveGoogleI/O 2022 HighlightsLICShares ListingLIC IPOPrudentIPO Subscription StatusLICIPO GMPCryptocurrencyPrice TodaySedition LawLICIPO Allotment StatusBitcoincrashSensextodayCryptocurrencyAadhaarCardElectionsIncome TaxIFSC CodeTrending NowLIC IPO Allotment TodayInternationalNurses Day 2022LICIPO GMPSensextodayLICShares ListingLICIPO News LiveGoogleI/O 2022 HighlightsNationalTechnology Day 2022WelspunIndia Share PriceBestNPS funds for various types of investorsCryptocurrencyPrice TodaySharadPawarBitcoinPrice TodayWhatis a Green cardTaxslabSovereign goldbondBestELSS fundsPopular CategoriesNews Live!MarketsLive!EconomyStockReports PlusStockScreenerMFScreenerCandlestickScreenerWebStoriesRenewablesHot on WebLIC IPO Share Allotment TodayInternationalNurses Day 2022LICIPO Allotment StatusLICIPO Share ListingLICIPO News LiveNationalTechnology Day 2022LICIPO GMPCryptocurrencyPrice TodayPrudentCorporate IPOSensextodayBinanceCoin PriceWhatare balanced mutual fundsGlobalmarketsMutualfundsBreakingnewsRupeeAadhaar CardIn Case you missed itInternational Nurses Day 2022LICIPO ShareAllotment TodaySensexTodayLICIPO News LiveLICIPO Allotment StatusGoogleI/O 2022 HighlightsLICShares ListingPrudentIPO Subscription StatusLICIPO Allotment StatusLICIPO GMPLICShares ListingCryptocurrencyPrice TodayAdaniGroupNiftyTodayTop CalculatorsStandard DeviationCalculatorIncome TaxCalculatorAgeCalculatorTimeCalculatorBMICalculatorGPACalculatorStatisticsCalculatorFractionCalculatorDiabetes RiskCalculatorDateCalculatorLogCalculatorTop Searched CompaniesHDFC AMC Share PriceGujarat Ambuja Share PriceIbull Housing Fin Share PriceAvenue Supermart Share PriceHAL Share PriceVarroc Engg. 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